06 December 2008

Christmas thoughts

my husband asked me to write out my Christmas list for him, and so... hmmmm ... gloves, a 2008 ornament, Sephora gift card....
and then I realized the things I want the most, can't be bought,
for they are true "gifts"....peace, love, hope, courage, strength, time....

The economy being what is it this year, could be a real opportunity to experience Christmas in a different way. This is the perfect opportunity to show ours sons the true gift of giving.
I feel like I have been so rapped up in consumerisim during the holidays, that I do not even know what it looks like...this idea of true giving...
is it...
volunteering at the mission?
helping the elderly?
buying a homeless person a meal?
helping a family with food?
going to visit with a friend?

I just don't know....
I do know though, I don't want to miss this opportunity to truly give, as God gave...with peace, hope, courage, and love.

Perhaps searching for this true meaning of Christmas is part of the gift???

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